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Modelling Guidelines

The market normally determines what type of models are required. The demand for a specific type of model might change from season to season. Each of the different types of Model categories has its unique objectives, and therefore unique requirements.

In order to determine your potential to become a model, there are a few basic steps you can follow:

  1. It is important for aspiring models to evaluate themselves objectively, and if possible to get an impartial second opinion.

  2. Determine first of all, if you meet the Generic requirements, if not there something that you could do to rectify any of these shortfalls ?

  3. If you meet the generic requirements, compare your statistics (obtained during Self Evaluation process) with the requirements for each modelling category.

  4. Select the categories that seems to fit your physical statistics and make sure you understand what will be expected from a model in each of these categories, and if  you can meet the requirements.

  5. Once you have decided upon the types of modelling you would like to pursue, you can start planning you preparation and approach.

  6. The next step would be to get some professional photos of yourself. The services of a Professional Photographer could be very expensive, and a few good shots could easily cost you a few hundred Rand. An inexpensive way to get the required shots is to look out for photographers that advertise for TFP deals (Trade for Prints).

  7. As soon as you have a few good prints of yourself you can start contacting Agencies and scouts. It is not necessary to have a Comp-card (ZED or Z-card) or a portfolio at first but it would be beneficial if you do have it.

We have included a basic schematic roadmap with links to the required info if you would like to navigate through the selection process:







Can shortcoming be rectified?

How to become a Model

Self Evaluation

Generic Features

Category Requirements


Fashion Modelling

Commercial Modelling

Glamour Modelling





Print Comp-cards


Compile a Portfolio

Organise a Photoshoot

Contact Agencies